Cherry Blossom Dress

Cherry Blossom Dress

merino wool and silk

machine knit; felted, cut, and dyed by hand

Cherry Blossom Dress

Cherry Blossom Dress

merino wool and silk

machine knit; felted, cut, and dyed by hand

Cherry Blossom Dress

Cherry Blossom Dress

merino wool and silk

machine knit; felted, cut, and dyed by hand

Broken Tiles Dress

Broken Tiles Dress

merino wool and silk

machine knit; felted, cut, and dyed by hand

Broken Tiles Dress

Broken Tiles Dress

merino wool and silk

machine knit; felted, cut, and dyed by hand

Dew Dress

Dew Dress

mohair and silk with acetate paillettes

machine knit

Dew Dress

Dew Dress

mohair and silk with acetate paillettes

machine knit

Confetti Dress

Confetti Dress

digitally printed silk with silk yarn

machine knit; printed fabric was hand cut and knit-woven into the knitting by hand


Confetti Dress

Confetti Dress

digitally printed silk with silk yarn

machine knit; printed fabric was hand cut and knit-woven into the knitting by hand

Chrysanthemum Tree

Chrysanthemum Tree

merino wool and silk

machine knit; felted and cut by hand

Chrysanthemum Tree

Chrysanthemum Tree

merino wool and silk

machine knit; felted and cut by hand

Chrysanthemum Tree

Chrysanthemum Tree

merino wool and silk

machine knit; felted and cut by hand

Persimmon Dress

Persimmon Dress

silk with swarovski crystal inlay

machine knit

Persimmon Dress

Persimmon Dress

silk with swarovski crystal inlay

machine knit

Persimmon Dress

Persimmon Dress

silk with swarovski crystal inlay

machine knit

Persimmon Dress

Persimmon Dress

silk with swarovski crystal inlay

machine knit

Pomegranate Sweater

Pomegranate Sweater

merino wool, silk, and mohair

hand and machine knit

Pomegranate Sweater

Pomegranate Sweater

merino wool, silk, and mohair

hand and machine knit

Turmeric Sweater

Turmeric Sweater

merino wool, silk, and mohair

hand and machine knit

Turmeric Sweater

Turmeric Sweater

merino wool, silk, and mohair

hand and machine knit

Moonlit Sweater

Moonlit Sweater

merino wool and silk

machine knit

Lavendar Sweater

Lavendar Sweater

merino wool and silk

machine knit